Green Designer Tips to Decorate Your Home.

Green Designer Tips to Decorate Your Home.

Global warming and Environment deterioration are issues that concern, and threaten the sheer existence of the planet we live on. If we wish to leave behind a legacy of a green Earth, for our offspring, it is vital for us to adopt Eco-friendly measures now, and put a halt to the destruction that global warming is causing to our planet. Most people are clueless about, how to practice Eco-friendly measures and believe; it’s the duty of large companies and governments to do something about it.  One should know that change starts with us and that small steps taken today can lead to substantial changes in the environment tomorrow.

One of the simplest ways to contribute to the environment is to live “Green” and have an Eco-friendly home. Few people realize how changes made to a house can make an enormous difference and help save the earth.  Fewer still, are aware of how inducing green interiors, can change the quality of our life.

Carbon footprints are a major cause of global warming. One of the first steps one can take, to do your bit for global warming is to use local building materials to construct homes. This ensures less wastage of fuel in transporting imported building materials, and in most cases, it is been found, that local materials are far more conducive and adaptive for the locale. A classic example of this is the wood house in Japan. Being a land of frequent seismic activity, building a home out of local wood and bamboo makes perfect sense.

Not only are bamboo materials light, strong and durable but cause far less damage when exposed to violent earthquakes. For cold climate areas, where weather conditions are intense wood is the ideal material to provide insulation from the harsh cold.

Thus, by using local products one can not only limit their Carbon footprints and save a lot of money but also get a convenient home, which is ideal for that particular geographical area. Similarly, one can use indigenous flooring and wall coverings for their home. These can give your home a natural cooling or warming effect, and save a lot of energy, which is used unnecessarily.

An important area where one can help in arresting energy depletion is by choosing Energy efficient electronic gadgets for your home. When one goes shopping, one should study the various products on offer and choose an ideal product that consumes less energy. Today most companies have a large range of “Eco-friendly” products that cut down on energy usage and save money in the bargain.

These could be white goods such as Air-conditioners, Radiators, Washing machines, etc, which come with a host of smart features. Never buy a device larger than your requirement, as this directly results in not only using optimum electricity but one can save more on utility bills.  One of the most effective ways to save the planet’s energy is to use solar energy products. By using solar power energy one can save enormously on their utility bills.

Even the furnishings can make a big difference to your home and the environment. During winter, one can use heavy drapes to give natural insulation and lighter textures during summer for an airy feel. A smart way to bring more light into a home is to use white and summery colors to do up interiors. Just look around and one can find myriad ways to turn their home into an eco-friendly home, thereby contributing to saving our planet for future generations to come.